酸性浩室舞曲Acid House

酸性浩室舞曲(Acid House)是浩室舞曲(House)下的一个子风格。顾名思义,它在之前的芝加哥浩室舞曲(Chicago House)之上加入更具有酸性(Acid)的迷幻味道。

在1980年代中期浩室舞曲火热的芝加哥,一些DJ尝试将Roland TB-303合成器的音效加入其中,这种迷幻效果和当时俱乐部的药物文化很好的吻合了。后来这种曲风传到大洋彼岸的英国,迅速进入主流排行榜。


酸性浩室舞曲具有传统浩室舞曲的一般特点:中速节奏、四四拍、合成器勾勒的弦乐、丰富的人声采样。新增的元素则是Roland TB-303合成器带来的支离破碎的贝斯音效,在跳舞中也同时给人一种嗑药般的迷幻感觉。


1990年代初短暂盛行,后来逐渐被锐舞音乐(Rave Music)代替。


Acid house is a sub-genre of house music that emphasizes a repetitive, hypnotic and trance-like style, often with samples or spoken lines instead of lyrics. Acid house's core electronic squelch sounds were developed around the mid-1980s, particularly by DJs from Chicago who experimented with the Roland TB-303 electronic synthesizer-sequencer.

Acid house spread to the United Kingdom and continental Europe, where it was played by DJs in the acid house and later rave scenes. By the late 1980s, copycat tracks and acid house remixes brought the style into the mainstream, where it had some influence on pop and dance styles.

Nicknamed "the sound of acid",acid house's influence on dance music is tangible considering the sheer number of electronic music tracks referencing acid house through the use of its sounds, including trance, Goa Trance, psytrance, breakbeat, big beat, techno, trip-hop and house music.

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