男孩团体Boy Band

Boy Band顾名思义是由几位男生组成的乐队。

在90年代早期到新世纪中期的欧美乐坛中Boy Band一直是最受欢迎的模式,也出过不少组合。

代表组合有BACKSTREET BOYS、NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK、BLUE、BOYZONE、WESTLIFE等组合,由于经济人的包装使得90年代后期boyband式的组合在欧美乐坛中不断涌现,所唱歌曲也形成了具有较统一风格的Boy Band式曲风,是20纪末较有影响力的一类曲风。

A boy band (or boyband) is loosely defined as a vocal group consisting of young male singers, usually in their teenage years or in their twenties at the time of formation. Being vocal groups, most boy band members do not play musical instruments, either in recording sessions or on stage, making the term somewhat of a misnomer.

However, exceptions do exist. Most boy bands dance as well as sing, usually giving highly choreographed performances. Some such bands form on their own. They can evolve out of church choral or gospel music groups, but are often created by talent managers or record producers who hold auditions.

Due to this and their general commercial orientation towards a female audience of preteens, teenyboppers, or teens, the term may be used with negative connotations in music journalism. Boy bands are similar in concept to their counterparts, girl groups.

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