


在典型的Techno舞曲中常要听到工厂中一些重复、机械、固定和单调的音效影子。90年代Techno开始在欧洲逐渐趋于普及,也是我国北方舞厅舞曲的主要组成。Techno较一般舞曲隆重、激烈和嘈杂。 90年代Techno开始在欧洲逐渐趋于普及,也是我国北方舞厅舞曲的主要组成。Techno较一般舞曲隆重、激烈和嘈杂。TECHNO/TECHNO HOUSE来源于80年代中期的底特律和芝加哥,在80年代中晚期还只是地下的非主流音乐,到了89-92年间已成为美国舞潮的主宰者。

其特点是:电子合成键盘的强烈电子声、比利时风格的贝斯击乐声、紧凑、狂乱的能量输出及动感,维持在130-150BPM的节奏。NEW BEAT TECHNO舞曲的欧州分支,节奏更重一些。流行于比利时,受到INDUSTRIAL和HI-NRG音乐的影响。 Techno起源于美国底特律,有三名DJ:Derrick May,Kevin Saunderson Juan Atkins尝试将电子乐与黑人音乐结合,而产生了Detroit Techno。Detroit Techno通常较平缓,不像一般的Techno那样强劲,可说是现代Techno的起源。

不同于House 的欢愉氛围,Techno 的内敛恰恰体现着电子音乐的多元。Techno 诞生于20 世纪80 年代中后期的美国底特律,4/4 拍、重复、冰冷与机械是它的标志。它是流动的诗歌,是形式与功能合二为一的集大成者。从布鲁克林仓库到柏林地下的幽暗空间,这些Techno 曲目牢牢占据舞池中心。

Techno had its roots in the electronic house music made in Detroit in the mid-'80s. Where house still had explicit connection to disco even when it was entirely mechanical, techno was strictly electronic music, designed for a small, specific audience.

The first techno producers and DJs -- Kevin Saunderson, Juan Atkins, and Derrick May, among others -- emphasized the electronic, synthesized beats of electro-funk artists like Afrika Bambaataa and synth-rock units like Kraftwerk.

In the United States, techno was strictly an underground phenomenon, but in England, it broke into the mainstream in the late '80s. In the early '90s, techno began to fragment into a number of subgenres, including hardcore, ambient, and jungle. In hardcore techno, the beats-per-minute on each record were sped up to ridiculous, undanceable levels -- it was designed to alienate a broad audience.

Ambient took the opposite direction, slowing the beats down and relying on watery electronic textures -- it was used as come-down music, when ravers and club-goers needed a break from acid house and hardcore techno. Jungle was nearly as aggressive as hardcore, combining driving techno beats with breakbeats and dancehall reggae -- essentially. All subgenres of techno were initially designed to be played in clubs, where they would be mixed by DJs.

Consequently, most of the music was available on 12-inch singles or various-artists compilations, where the songs could run for a long time, providing the DJ with a lot of material to mix into his set. In the mid-'90s, a new breed of techno artists -- most notably ambient acts like the Orb and Aphex Twin, but also harder-edged artists like the Prodigy and Goldie -- began constructing albums that didn't consist of raw beats intended for mixing. Not surprisingly, these artists -- particularly the Prodigy -- became the first recognizable stars in techno.

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