未来贝斯Future Bass

未来贝斯是在2006年出现的一种新音乐风格,从Trap音乐演变出来,在英国、美国、中国、日本、澳大利亚较为流行。特点是低音(bassline)较重,音色很尖十分跳脱。作为一个相对还在发展的风格,未来贝斯还未定型,同时受到Trap,footwork 和UK garage的影响。



Future bass is a music genre that arose around 2006 in the United Kingdom, United States, China, Japan, and Australia. It is a broad genre of music, offering a wide variety of sounds and rhythms normally produced by a synthesizer on a digital audio workstation.

Future bass is described as having a focus on a hard bassline with detuned synthesizers mostly including sawtooth waves and square waves. The sound waves are often modulated using automation or low-frequency oscillation controlling the cutoff of an audio filter (typically a low pass or high pass filter) making the waveform sound louder or quieter.

In addition, it is common to find the utilization of a sort of "twinkly" sounding rise (gradual rise in pitch), including arpeggio chords, and vocoders. The future bass genre stems from trap, footwork and UK garage. It is related to the post-dubstep movement in the United Kingdom. It is comparable to chiptune and gli

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