太空摇滚Space Rock

Space Rock这个词最早得追溯到70年代,那时是用来形容那些有着太空幻游味道的像Pink Floyd和Hawkwind这样的乐队。然而如今Space Rock是指新一代的另类/独立乐队,这些乐队从迷幻摇滚、环境(氛围)音乐中吸取音乐养分,而且经常还会受到实验和前卫音乐的影响。

Space Rock是那种几乎总是缓慢、催眠和非现实的;它尤其喜欢在传统歌曲结构上进行冗长、扰乱心绪的声响探险;它的人声有时就如同是闪烁器乐质地的附着。

有些Space Rock乐队确实是以毒品来促发灵感,以此来给这种音乐带来令人麻醉的风格效果:沉重地混响的吉他声浪、极简的打击乐以及轻微的没精打采的人声。Space Rock的最显然的前辈当属Prog-Rock,但是在其后的发展中,它也从Krautrock、古典简约和The Jesus & Mary Chain风格的Noise Pop中吸取过灵感。

最初的第一支Space Rock乐队是英国的极度低沉的极简主义团体Spacemen 3,它的臭名昭著的“Taking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To”信条影响了随其后来的大多数乐队。在参与到英国的Shoegazer运动中的有些乐队是和Spaced Rock是有关系的,尤其是The Verve的早期作品,还有大多数的实验团体(如My Bloody Valentine)影响了Space Rock的复兴。

Space rock is a subgenre of rock music; the term originally referred to a group of early, mostly British, 1970s progressive and psychedelic rock bands such as Hawkwind and Pink Floyd, characterised by slow, lengthy instrumental passages dominated by electronic organs, synthesizers, experimental guitar work and science fiction or astronomical lyrical themes, though it was later repurposed to refer to a series of late 1980s British alternative rock bands that drew from earlier influences to create a more ambient but still melodic form of pop music.

The term was revived in the 21st century to refer to a new crop of bands including The Flowers of Hell, Comets on Fire, and Flotation Toy Warning who diversely draw upon the ideas and sounds of both waves of the genre's founders.

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