热带浩室Tropical House

Tropical House热带浩室,如字面上理解,是一种充满阳光和度假心情的电子音乐。2013年澳大利亚的制作人Thomas Jack将自己听起来很慵懒的舞曲开玩笑的定义为Tropical House,随后制作人Kygo和Robin Schulz也实验性将这种风格融入到自己的作品中,越来越受欢迎并逐渐在乐坛取得了成功。

Tropical house的BPM通常在100-115左右,是Deep House的一个子分支,在House音乐4/4拍的基础上,加入了排笛、马林巴琴、钢鼓、铜管乐器的音色以及人声,给听众营造出一个整体慵懒、欢乐、度假般的休闲氛围。

Tropical house, also known as trop house,is a subgenre of deep house, with elements of dancehall and Balearic house.Artists of the genre are often featured at various summer festivals such as Tomorrowland.The genre was popularized by artists including Thomas Jack, Kygo, Matoma, Lost Frequencies, Seeb and Klingande.

The term "Tropical House" began as a joke by Australian producer Thomas Jack, but has since been gaining popularity among listeners.The term "trouse" should not be confused with tropical house, as "trouse" is a genre that instead combines the feeling of trance and the beats of progressive house, using electro synths.

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