石人摇滚Stoner Rock

Stoner rock这种风格是存在的,这个名字是准确的,它算是重金属/硬摇滚的一个分支。一般音色和制作手法比较复古,接近70年代的声音。歌曲一般速度较慢,以riff为结构的根基,多数旋律都比较低沉,迷幻味道很重。

Stone,其实在欧美俗语中,就是说吸毒以后的那种迷幻感觉,所以Stoner Rock也就是为了表达那种意境而逐渐从前辈的迷幻摇滚发展起来的。也就是因为这种联系,这种音乐形式才得到这个毒品味道很重的名字。Stone这个词,不是"石头"的意思,而是动词,表示"吸毒以后麻醉的感觉"。所以多年以来"Stoner Rock" 这个词一直没有准确的中文译名。

Stoner Rock combines Blues Rock, the psychedelic elements from Psychedelic Rock, and the repetitive riffs of Doom Metal. Guitars are tuned low, the bass is heavy and tempo is mostly slow-to-mid. The vocals and production are usually raw. 

The term stoner rock comes from the genre's connection with the use of marijuana, stoner being a slang term for a user of cannabis. It is sometimes believed that the bass heavy and psychedelic sound is meant to enhance the effects of drugs.

The roots are in '60s and '70s bands like Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer, but what is called Stoner Rock today was pioneered by Californian bands such as Kyuss, Sleep and Fu Manchu.

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