氛围浩室舞曲Ambient House

氛围浩室舞曲(Ambient House)是浩室舞曲(House)下的一个子风格。是浩室舞曲(House)和氛围音乐(Ambient)的结合。

氛围浩室舞曲的出现主要是因为在1980年代末、1990年代初,在英国,当时的俱乐部音乐需求已不仅仅停留在跳舞,而是寻求一种更能让人冷静沉思的曲风。所以在当时流行的酸性浩室舞曲(Acid House)之上,The Orb、The KLF等音乐人开始将氛围音乐引入其中。




只是在1990初有过短暂的兴起,它从来没有大范围的流行,但是后来的Ambient Techno(氛围科技舞曲)、Ambient Dub(氛围回响)等曲风都以其为启发。


Ambient house was a mostly British development in the beginning of the 1990s, employing beats, synthesizers and vocals in styles similar to House music, treated with effects that are often described as "dream-like" or "chilled out" in order to provide a more atmospheric, relaxed feel that can be compared to Ambient.

While never growing into a larger scene, it provided an important stepping stone for several similar movements in the following years, including Ambient Techno, Ambient Dub, Psybient, and Progressive House.

Key works include Chill Out by The KLF and the early career of close associates The Orb, e.g. The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld.

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