另类摇滚Alternative Rock

另类摇滚(英语:Alternative rock),也被称为另类音乐或替代摇滚或替代音乐,简称替代或另类。是摇滚音乐中的一种音乐类别,源于1980年代的地下独立音乐,并在1990年代到2000年代开始流行。


在1980年代后期,随着杂志报导,大学校园广播的唱片播放和一些口头宣传强调了另类摇滚的多样性与差异性,并帮忙定义了其中不同的音乐风格(比如哥德摇滚,噪音流行,独立摇滚,独立流行,油渍摇滚,工业摇滚,嘻哈摇滚,和另类嘻哈)。大部分的子分类都有自己的听众,其中的一些有代表性的乐队像Hüsker Dü 和R.E.M.甚至签约了唱片公司。然而,在当时相对于其他的类别的摇滚乐和流行乐,大部分商业另类摇滚乐队的成就都是有限的。有些作品依然被归为个人作品,只有少部分的广播,电视媒体会播放他们的歌。在1990年代,随着超脱乐队带来的突破性的影响,油渍摇滚和英伦摇滚运动的普及,另类摇滚逐渐被大众接受,变成了一种主流音乐,许多的另类摇滚乐队也因此取得了商业上的成功。

在1990年代末,受到油渍摇滚和英伦摇滚热潮的消退的影响,另类摇滚在主流乐开始不再那么特别和突出。 另类摇滚的定义在英式英语中特别是指“indie rock”(独立摇滚)(虽然这个类型的定义界限在电子音乐和嘻哈音乐的融入下已经变得模糊),而在美式英语中则习惯使用“alternative rock”。有时也会以地下音乐(underground music)作为另类摇滚的代称,但地下音乐通常是指知名度不高的艺人或乐队所演出的音乐,而“indie”(独立)一词在英国经常被用来代表另类摇滚,而在台湾这个词曾被翻译成“硬地”,有着“硬式风格”和“地下”的含意(参见台湾的硬地音乐节,一个以地下乐队、另类摇滚为主的音乐活动)。或是简称alternative)是摇滚乐中的一种类型,最早在1980年内出现,在1990年代开始广泛流行。



另类摇滚在本质上来源于80年代中期到90年代中期的后朋克乐队,虽然另类摇滚之中有很多种音乐形式,但是他们被放到了一起因为他们都有别于主流的音乐形式。另一方面,以nirvana在1991年的成功可以划分为两大类另类流行/摇滚。另外R.E.M.是一支于1980年组建于美国的另类摇滚乐团。音乐风格基本上是Alternative Pop/ College Rock。无论是评论界还是音乐界都一致认为"REM"是另类摇滚的创始者之一。R.E.M.是首批红起来的另类摇滚乐团。他们最先吸引大家注意的是Buck的吉他音色,带有一种急速变奏的吉他风格,以及Stipe迷蒙的歌词和唱腔。1988年,乐队转签约Warner Bros.唱片,并开始涉及政治以及环境问题。


Alternative rock (also called alternative music, alt rock or simply alternative) is a genre of rock music that emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980s and became widely popular by the 1990s. The 'alternative' definition refers to the genre's distinction from mainstream rock music, expressed primarily in a distorted guitar sound, transgressive lyrics and generally a nonchalant, defiant attitude.

The term's original meaning was broader, referring to a generation of musicians unified by their collective debt to either the musical style, or simply the independent, D.I.Y. ethos of punk rock, which in the late 1970s laid the groundwork for alternative music. At times, "alternative" has been used as a catch-all description for music from underground rock artists that receives mainstream recognition, or for any music, whether rock or not, that is seen to be descended from punk rock (including some examples of punk itself, as well as new wave, and post-punk).

Alternative rock is a broad umbrella term consisting of music that differs greatly in terms of its sound, its social context, and its regional roots. By the end of the 1980s magazines and zines, college radio airplay, and word of mouth had increased the prominence and highlighted the diversity of alternative rock, helping to define a number of distinct styles such as gothic rock, jangle pop, noise pop, C86, Madchester, industrial rock, and shoegazing. Most of these subgenres had achieved minor mainstream notice and a few bands representing them, such as Hüsker Dü and R.E.M., had even signed to major labels.

But most alternative bands' commercial success was limited in comparison to other genres of rock and pop music at the time, and most acts remained signed to independent labels and received relatively little attention from mainstream radio, television, or newspapers. With the breakthrough of Nirvana and the popularity of the grunge and Britpop movements in the 1990s, alternative rock entered the musical mainstream and many alternative bands became commercially successful.

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